Tuesday, May 19, 2009

nEw cLasS! nEw fRienDs..!

uhh...i got my new class now..H3T23..thats my class for this sem...boys only 6 while girls only 21...huh...they were so kind and nicely...i dont know how coulid it be last long..but for the earlier sure i can see..but the boys i didnt like...a little bit....coz they looks so sombong...poyo!! just now at the morning we have an english class but our lecturer had canceled it and this already told by the other lecturer during time table given...when i am sitting in font of library my new classmate passing by in front of me and said that why u not just came too at english class..how can u know there is no class today...his tones like he wants to scold me and blame on me...! emmmm...then when tutorial chemistry he don not sit besides on me...i dont know why..i must think positive...i hope he will move from KMPk a.s.a.p....hahahahahah....

*x tau nk plilih koko ape esk...!

Friday, May 8, 2009

baCk tO pERaK aGaiN..!

hUh..no..! u have back to Perak Matriculation College again on Monday..but my dad want to send me on Sunday..so the next day after tomorrow no more online for me..so hard babe and dude to alive without online!! LoL..! but i am happy too and excited coz i will re-meet with my friends there and my senior as well..in addition my junior that reg there..welcome evryone to KMPk..! i hope in this year will be the last year in matric and will change my life to have better life especially my results exam..hope i will get 3.5 and above..so it easier for me to get the better university and the course that i really want!
piC tiMe g BukiT kLuAng, tErenGgaNu..!! -FamiLy dAy-

'nEw pErsOn'

ehek..so long to write my blog..coz nothing special althouh it have been..but dunno am so lazy lazy and lazy to type such things when i am at home..coz i am always online my social network..hehhe..today i am so happy because i will have a new person in my life..i will called that new person as MESSY..hehe..Messy is stay with same state with me..and my hometown as well but Messy is studying at Terengganu..so our meeting is so limited..so far i am not meet Messy yet..although i wanna do that A.S.A.P..and i am sure the same thing with Messy..the next day after tomorrow i will leave Kelantan ang going to Perak to further my study at Perak Matriculation College..humm..after i am so bz..maybe the time i know Messy not suitable..but i am sure also that is not our problem..coz we have a technolgy right..SMS,MMS,GPRS,INTERNET..that is will be our connection..hehe..actually Messy is excited to know and be friend with me..so, i saw Messy's face not bad..hahah..then Messy also looks so kind..why not i am take my action as well as the line too..heheh..so,we not declare yet..but now we have agrreed on both to be like that..hope our relationship last longer..!!!!!
with love for you hun..!!
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